
One dog story kickstarter
One dog story kickstarter

$10,000 over its $25,000 target with a few hours to go, the first-person RPG is this week's only winner.

  • If the Katchup kabin depressurises during flight, please cling to the person in the neighbouring seat and whimper like a dog in a war.
  • Projects that have reached their funding get included in the Winners list, and then aren't featured in the weeks after that, to give more attention to those that are still needing the cash.
  • Projects asking for fifty billion dollars, with 45c in pledges, fall off the list eventually.
  • We only include games where pledges reach developers only if the target is met.
  • Leaving links in the comments is a good way to let other readers know about projects, but please email me if you want them considered for the list.
  • Letting me know about a game (which you can do via my name at the top of this article) doesn’t mean it will definitely be included.
  • one dog story kickstarter

    We likely haven’t played, and as such can’t say whether it will be worth your cash. Featuring a game in this list doesn’t mean we endorse it.

    one dog story kickstarter

    There are a few projects on the verge of success and if I were writing this on Monday, the 'Winners' column would probably be much more satisfactorily populated. If only! Two of my personal favourites have fallen by the wayside and there's only one winner, although it is an interesting one by virtue of not being an obvious success story, powered to victory by the presence of a celebrity developer.

    one dog story kickstarter

    If only I'd pledged it to the promise of a game instead of using it as a handkerchief for all these long months. It's glum in the Katchup this week and I've been spending most of this fine Saturday morning wiping the tears from my eyes with a twenty pound note.

    One dog story kickstarter